by Señas, Perla, Moroni, M, Vitturini, M and Martig, S
Ambientes de Aprendizaje basados en Mapas Conceptuales Hipermediales (Señas, Perla, Moroni, M, Vitturini, M and Martig, S), In International Conference on Concept Mapping. España, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{Senas2004, author = {Se{~n}as, Perla and Moroni, M and Vitturini, M and Martig, S}, journal = {International Conference on Concept Mapping. Espa{~n}a}, title = {Ambientes de Aprendizaje basados en Mapas Conceptuales Hipermediales}, year = {2004}, }