Wait No More: Citizens, Red Tape, and Digital Government

by Estevez, Elsa, Reyes, Angela, Linares Lejarraga, Sebastián, Farias, Pedro, Fillotrani, Pablo, Porrúa, Miguel, Villalba, Harold, Acevedo, Sebastián, Peña, Norma, Roseth, Benjamin and others
Wait No More: Citizens, Red Tape, and Digital Government (Estevez, Elsa, Reyes, Angela, Linares Lejarraga, Sebastián, Farias, Pedro, Fillotrani, Pablo, Porrúa, Miguel, Villalba, Harold, Acevedo, Sebastián, Peña, Norma, Roseth, Benjamin and others), In IDB Publications (Books), Inter-American Development Bank, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Estevez, Elsa and Reyes, Angela and Linares Lejarraga, Sebasti{'a}n and Farias, Pedro and Fillotrani, Pablo and Porr{'u}a, Miguel and Villalba, Harold and Acevedo, Sebasti{'a}n and Pe{~n}a, Norma and Roseth, Benjamin and others},
  journal   = {IDB Publications (Books)},
  title     = {Wait No More: Citizens, Red Tape, and Digital Government},
  year      = {2020},
  publisher = {Inter-American Development Bank},

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