Study of human salivary proline-rich proteins interaction with food tannins

by Soares, Susana, García-Estévez, Ignacio, Ferrer-Galego, Raúl, Brás, Natércia F, Brandão, Elsa, Silva, Mafalda, Teixeira, Natércia, Fonseca, Fátima, Sousa, Sérgio F, Ferreira-da-Silva, Frederico and others
Study of human salivary proline-rich proteins interaction with food tannins (Soares, Susana, García-Estévez, Ignacio, Ferrer-Galego, Raúl, Brás, Natércia F, Brandão, Elsa, Silva, Mafalda, Teixeira, Natércia, Fonseca, Fátima, Sousa, Sérgio F, Ferreira-da-Silva, Frederico and others), In Food chemistry, Elsevier, volume 243, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Soares, Susana and Garc{'i}a-Est{'e}vez, Ignacio and Ferrer-Galego, Ra{'u}l and Br{'a}s, Nat{'e}rcia F and Brand{~a}o, Elsa and Silva, Mafalda and Teixeira, Nat{'e}rcia and Fonseca, F{'a}tima and Sousa, S{'e}rgio F and Ferreira-da-Silva, Frederico and others},
  journal   = {Food chemistry},
  title     = {Study of human salivary proline-rich proteins interaction with food tannins},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {175--185},
  volume    = {243},
  publisher = {Elsevier},

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