by Señas, P, Moroni, N, Vitturini, M and Zanconi, M
Hypermedial Conceptual Mapping: A Development Methodology (Señas, P, Moroni, N, Vitturini, M and Zanconi, M), In 13th International Conference on Technology and Education. University of Texas at Arlington, Departament of Computer Science an Engineering. New Orleans, 1996.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{Senas1996, author = {Se{~n}as, P and Moroni, N and Vitturini, M and Zanconi, M}, journal = {13th International Conference on Technology and Education. University of Texas at Arlington, Departament of Computer Science an Engineering. New Orleans}, title = {Hypermedial Conceptual Mapping: A Development Methodology}, year = {1996}, }