A Preliminary Ontology for Spermatozoa Analysis

by Molas, Leonardo, Revollo Sarmiento, Natalia, Gómez, Sergio Alejandro, González-José, Rolando and Delrieux, Claudio, Marcovecchio
A Preliminary Ontology for Spermatozoa Analysis (Molas, Leonardo, Revollo Sarmiento, Natalia, Gómez, Sergio Alejandro, González-José, Rolando and Delrieux, Claudio, Marcovecchio), In II Simposio Argentino de Ontologías y sus Aplicaciones (SAOA 2016)-JAIIO 45 (Tres de Febrero, 2016), 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Molas, Leonardo and Revollo Sarmiento, Natalia and G{'o}mez, Sergio Alejandro and Gonz{'a}lez-Jos{'e}, Rolando and Delrieux, Claudio, Marcovecchio},
  booktitle = {II Simposio Argentino de Ontolog{'i}as y sus Aplicaciones (SAOA 2016)-JAIIO 45 (Tres de Febrero, 2016)},
  title     = {A Preliminary Ontology for Spermatozoa Analysis},
  year      = {2016},

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