Digital Government as Implementation Means for Sustainable Development Goals

by Marcovecchio, Ignacio, Thinyane, Mamello, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz
Digital Government as Implementation Means for Sustainable Development Goals (Marcovecchio, Ignacio, Thinyane, Mamello, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz), In International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA), IGI Global, volume 6, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Marcovecchio, Ignacio and Thinyane, Mamello and Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz},
  journal   = {International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA)},
  title     = {Digital Government as Implementation Means for Sustainable Development Goals},
  year      = {2019},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {1--22},
  volume    = {6},
  publisher = {IGI Global},

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