by Gómez, Sergio Alejandro and Chesnevar, Carlos Iván, Marcovecchio
Integrating defeasible argumentation and machine learning techniques: A preliminary report (Gómez, Sergio Alejandro and Chesnevar, Carlos Iván, Marcovecchio), In In Procs. V Workshop of Researchers in Comp. Science, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{Gomez2003, author = {G{'o}mez, Sergio Alejandro and Chesnevar, Carlos Iv{'a}n, Marcovecchio}, booktitle = {In Procs. V Workshop of Researchers in Comp. Science}, title = {Integrating defeasible argumentation and machine learning techniques: A preliminary report}, year = {2003}, organization = {Citeseer}, }