Opinion Aggregation and Conflict Resolution in E-Government Platforms: Contrasting Social Media Information

by Chesnevar, Carlos Ivan, Maguitman, Ana Gabriela, González, María Paula and Estevez, Elsa
Opinion Aggregation and Conflict Resolution in E-Government Platforms: Contrasting Social Media Information (Chesnevar, Carlos Ivan, Maguitman, Ana Gabriela, González, María Paula and Estevez, Elsa), In Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Conflict Resolution, IGI Global, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Chesnevar, Carlos Ivan and Maguitman, Ana Gabriela and Gonz{'a}lez, Mar{'i}a Paula and Estevez, Elsa},
  journal   = {Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Conflict Resolution},
  title     = {Opinion Aggregation and Conflict Resolution in E-Government Platforms: Contrasting Social Media Information},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {183},
  publisher = {IGI Global},

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